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Author: Naveen AutomationLabs (Page 1 of 7)

How to Download and Install Appium Desktop on Win and Mac

How to Download and Install Appium Desktop on Win and Mac

Appium Desktop is an application for Windows, Macintosh and linux OS. Appium Desktop is a UI based app with a lot of connectivity and configuration options. It will allows the user to view some advanced options in UI like Inspector for identifying elements, Relaxed security, exporting appium logs and so on..
·       Using a graphical interface for the Appium Server. You can set options, start/stop the server, see logs, etc… Appium Desktop comes with Node runtime files, so no need to separately download and install Node.
·       One of the powerful and main feature on Appium desktop is INSPECTOR. Inspector is the object spy in Appium (like QTP you can spy an element by clicking). Inspector tool will identify the elements along with ID, XPATH and all applicable attributes.
http://appium.io/ is the official website for Appium desktop. One can easily download the latest desktop build of Appium form Downloads sections. Based on preferred the OS we can easily download the build. Hence it is an open source we can download and use it free of cost.

For Windows:

If you are using Windows based OS, then you have to download the .exe file. (ex: Appium-windows-1.15.1.exe). Once downloaded you can install the software by double clicking on the exe file.

On double click on exe file, the below installation screen will popup

Select the 1st radio button if you want appium to be avaialbe for all user who logs in this computer. Else click on 2nd option.  On clicking on “Install” button, installation will begin

Click on “Finish” button to launch the Appium desktop and also to complete the installation process and to quit the installation wizard.

For Mac:

If you are using Mac OS, then you have to download .dmg file so that you can simply move the file under Application to get started. (ex: Appium-mac-1.15.1.dmg). Once downloaded you just need to extract the file and move the build to Applications.
Just click and drag the appium logo to Applications.

Appium also available as an AppImage for Linux. App image is like an executable file for windows. Here in linux no need to install the build, just we need to open the appImage so that your Appium server UI will be prompted.
The good thing in Appium desktop is no UI change for any operation system. UI is built to be stable across platform.

Now we are ready with our Appium desktop to launch and starting the server.

Launching Appium Desktop after Installation for the first time:

Appium desktop UI is very simple and easy to access. Below image represents the home page of Appium Desktop.

In Simple Mode, one can start the Appium server by providing the “Host” and “Port” values. By default Appium REST http interface listener will use the Host and Port “4723”. If any other programs like Jenkins/tomcat are running on a default local server/port then we can change the Port in Appium.

Clicking on “Start Server” button will initiate a local host server with the given port #. You can start seeing logs in Appium desktop like below.

You can also verify the status in any browser by entering the command/URL http://localhost:4723/wd/hub/sessions. Which will give you the current status (same like selenium grid)

By any chance if your firewall is blocking Appium or if you get the below screen, select any or both the checkboxes and click on “Allow access” button. So that Appium can initiate a local host.

How to connect to an Emulator or a real Device with Appium:

Connecting a real device with Appium is very simple. Appium Desired Capabilities will take care of all the connectivity protocols. But before trying to connect we need to make sure all prerequisites are available in the computer. It’s all about configuration and SDK’s
If you want to connect an Android device on a Windows/Mac based OS, then you have to download and install the Android Studio/ Android SDK. Without Android SDK Appium cannot initiate a connectivity to any android based devices. The reason behind this is, Appium will connect to android device in developer debugging mode. Hence to enable the debugging mode “SHELL” commands are inevitable, Commands like ADB, Shell are available only on Android SDK. So to make a connectivity to a real android device “Android SDK” is must.
You can download Android SDK on its official website https://developer.android.com/studio. Based on the OS you can download and set the preferences. Once Android studio is installed it is also necessary to install the android SDK based on the device Android version. Ex. My real device is running Android version 9, then I need to install the SDK for Android 9. This can be achieved by AVD in android studio.
“Please use the below steps for creating an Android Emulator”

Step 1: Open android studio

In the home page, you can find “AVD Manager” icon on the top left corner

Step 2: Click on “AVD Manager” icon to get the below screen

Step 3: Create a Virtual Device (Emulator) by clicking the button “ + Create Virtual Device..” then you will be navigated to the below screen

Select the option “Phone” and you can select any device model based on your real device screen size (if needed) and click on “Next”
The below screen will list out all the applicable Android version for the selected device. Then you can click on download as per the android version you need.

Here I have selected “Android Pie” and click on Download.

Accept the license Agreement and click on Next button

Now the selected Android OS will start to download

Click on finish once download is completed.

So we are done with downloading SDK and successfully created Android Emulator.

Click on “Next” button to create an Emulator

Provide any name to the Emulator and click on “Finish”.

On the next time when you click on “AVD Manager” you will get the below screen where you can see the list of AVD’s created

Click on “Launch this AVD” button (Play button) under Actions section to start the Emulator.

Emulator is launched successfully 😊

2.     Android Environmental variables

Once Android SDK is downloaded successfully we can start using ADB and Shell executables from Android SDK. But the problem is windows OS don’t know from where it need to take the executable files. Imaging its like searching a small tool on a big warehouse. So to make the search easier we need to instruct the OS from where we need to utilize the commands, here comes the Environment variables. We need to inform Windows OS to take the executable files from this location and execute my command. So how to configure this ? let’s see
There are many ways to navigate to “Environment Variables” screen, A common way is to click on start menu and type “My Computer” or “My PC”,  then right click on that and select the “properties” option form the menu. Select “Advanced System Settings” to get system properties screen

 Click on “Environment Variables” and Select “New” button under “User Variables” section

Now, it’s time to create “Android_Home” path. Android_Home is nothing but the parent folder where  we have our SDK and Platform tools available. By default the Android_Home path should be
“C:Userscurrent userAppDataLocalAndroidSdk”
Enter the “Variable Name” as “Android_Home” and “Variable value” with the directory value and click on “OK” button to add the record.

Now “%android_home%” command refers to the directory where our SDK files are located.
It’s time to add “Platform-tools” and “tools” link to our Sytem variables, under “Path” record. For that click on “Path” record and select “Edit” button under System Variables

As I already mentioned, “%android_home%” refers to our SDK directory, now it’s time to add below 3 directories
Just copy and paste it one by one under “Path” record. Like below,

Now we are done with setting up Environment variables for Android. Click on OK button and close all the open windows.
Now open “Command Prompt” and simply type “ADB” and Enter

If you get the text as mentioned in the image, then you successfully configured the Android SDK variable path in our OS. Now we are good to go with Appium to connect to any real device/ Emulators.

That’s it!! You are ready to automate 🙂

Naveen AutomationLabs

Blog Contributors:
Author:  Ragavendran
Ragav, having 10.5 years of Testing experience on which 7 years of rich experience in automation using UFT, Selenium (Java/Python). Expertise in Web and Mobile automation testing using Appium.

Reviewer: Naveen 

Setup Jenkins with Docker on Mac

Setup Jenkins with Docker on Mac


OS: macOS High Sierra 10.13

Download Docker for Mac

Create Docker ID

You need to go to https://www.docker.com/ to create you own docker id.

Download Jenkins CI with blue ocean plugin.

Follow the installation instructions to install the jenkinsci/blueocean Docker container. And do remember to launch the Docker.app after installation as launching the application is a necessary step to get the Docker daemon run.

Start the Jenkins CI container

$ docker run -u root --rm -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jenkinsci/blueocean

Command options

is to remove the docker container after it is shut down.

is to let jenkinsci container run in background and silent the output rather than print out in terminal console. Recommend not to add this option, because usually you want to check the output from terminal console, e.g. the initial password. 

-p 8080:8080 
is the to map the port number for host machine and docker container respectively.

-p 50000:50000 
is for the JNLP based Jenkins master-slave configurations. JNLP-based Jenkins agents communicate with the Jenkins master through TCP port 50000 by default.

-v jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home 
is to map the /var/jenkins_home directory in the container to the Docker volume with the name jenkins-data, this option is to ask Jenkins to persist state for instance restarts. -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock, this option is to allow jenkins ci container to communicate with docker daemon.  jenkinsci/blueocean is the jenkinsci image with blueocean plugin, specifying this option will automatically pull any updates.  

Possibile errors

docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?.

See 'docker run --help'.
This error is because the Docker daemon is not started yet. On MacOS, you need to manually start the Docker.app in order to let the docker daemon start.

Open the Jenkins landing page

Browse http://localhost:8080/ , you will see below page.
Screen Shot 2018-04-15 at 11.24.19
Find the password from console output and paste it above input box to continue.
If you suddenly lost your initial password from the console output. You can use below command to get it back. Also, actually this password is your default password for your Jenkins admin account.
$ docker exec cat /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword

Initial customisation

You can ask the Jenkins to install the suggested plugins for you or choose the ones you need only. You can also install the plugins from “Manage Plugins” after you complete the Jenkins setup.
Screen Shot 2018-04-15 at 12.04.34

Create your first jenkins account

You can create your own jenkins account during the setup phase. Or you can also ignore this step but use the “admin” account with its default password, the one output in console, for login.
Screen Shot 2018-04-15 at 12.06.22

Proxy Setup

If your Jenkins server is behind a proxy, then you need to configure this proxy properly in order to install your Jenkins plugins. Navigate yourself to “Manage Jenkins” -> “Manager Plugins” -> “Advanced“.
Screen Shot 2018-04-17 at 09.24.46

Some useful commands

Check container IDs
docker ps -a
Check logs for a particular container
docker logs <container-id>


Naveen AutomationLabs 

Take Screenshot of WebElement in Selenium || New Selenium 4 feature – Naveen AutomationLabs

Take Screenshot of WebElement in Selenium || New Selenium 4 feature

In this blog, I have explained how to take screenshot for a web element in Selenium 4 version. This is the new feature in Selenium 4, earlier we could only take screenshot only for web page, now you can take screenshot for elements and use them with your bug report.

Watch Full video here:

Source Code:

package WM;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.WebDriverManager;

public class TakeElementScreenshot {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


WebElement email = driver.findElement(By.id(“username”));
WebElement password = driver.findElement(By.id(“password”));
WebElement loginButton = driver.findElement(By.id(“loginBtn”));
WebElement forgotPwd = driver.findElement(By.linkText(“Forgot my password”));

takeElementScreenshot(email, “emailElement”);
takeElementScreenshot(password, “passwordElement”);
takeElementScreenshot(loginButton, “loginButtonElement”);
takeElementScreenshot(forgotPwd, “forgotPwdLink”);



//take screenshot using getScreenshotAs() method.
public static void takeElementScreenshot(WebElement element, String fileName) {

File srcFile = element.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
try {
FileUtils.copyFile(srcFile, new File(“./target/screenshots/” + fileName + “.png”));
} catch (IOException e) {



Executing Maven Project in windows from Command Prompt:

Executing Maven Project in windows from Command Prompt


Go to Menu Bar in Eclipse >> Window >> Preferences.     
Check if Maven is integrated with Eclipse or No.
[If you download Eclipse Neon Version, by default Maven will be integrated with Eclipse].

If Maven is integrated with Eclipse then we are good to create Maven Project.                           
If not installed go to Menu Bar >> Help >> Eclipse Market Place and Search by Maven and install required Maven Plugins shown below.

Section II:                                                                                                                                                                                    
 Steps to install Maven Jar Files and Setting Path in Environment Variables: https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi                                                                                                   
Download below highlighted Zip File.                                                                                                                                                      
Once download is completed, unzip it and keep it in any drive in your local system.                                
It is always good practice to keep it in C Drive.

Now we need to set path for Maven in Environment Variables:                                                         
Go to My Computer >> Right Click >> Properties >> Advanced System Settings.                               
 Now Go to Environment Variables and Set Pat as shown below.                                                               
[In my case i have kept Maven Jars in C Drive]                            

Now Add Bin Path of Maven in below Path 
C:Program FilesMavenapache-maven-3.6.1bin
Once Path is set for Maven in Environment Variables.                                                                                              
Go to Command Prompt and type command as shown below to make sure that Maven is installed or not.


If Maven is installed then we will see as highlighted above and now we are good to execute Maven Project. 

Section III:                                                                                                                                                                                           

 Now Executing Maven Project from Command Prompt.                             
To Execute Maven Project from Command Prompt, In pom.xml 
Maven Surefire Pluginmust be added.

                                                                                          <suiteXmlFile>testng_sanity.xml</suiteXmlFile>                                                                                                        </suiteXmlFiles>

Now Go to Command Promp
Go to Project Folder as shown below

Now Use below commands to execute Maven Project from 
Command Prompt                          
1. mvn clean install : It will execute all test cases as well as it will generate a build. Build will be generated under target folder.                                                                                                                                                                   
2. mvn clean test : It will execute only test cases and it won’t generate build.

This blog is written by Pavan. He is an expert in Selenium Automation and currently working in Infosys as Automation QA Engineer. Also, he is helping QA community with his knowledge along with Naveen AutomationLabs!! 

Naveen AutomationLabs

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Push Code to Git Repositories using Command Prompt

Steps to Push Code to Git Repositories using Command Prompt


1. Download Git from below Link:

https://git-scm.com/download/win/ [Git must be installed in Local System].

2. Once Git is installed >> SSH Key should be Added in Git.

Login to Github >> Go to Settings >> User should be able to see SSH and GPG Keys on Left Side Panel as per below Screenshot.                  

Click on SSH and GPG Keys >> User should be able to see as shown below in same page.

Now Click on New SSH Key and Add SSH Key.

Below are the Steps to Generate SSH Key using Git bash:          

Step1: Launch git bash.

Step2: Type ssh-keygen -t rsa -> Enter -> Enter -> Enter -> Key will be generated.


Admin@Admin-PC MINGW64 ~
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/Admin/.ssh/id_rsa):
/c/Users/Admin/.ssh/id_rsa already exists.
Overwrite (y/n)? y
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /c/Users/Admin/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /c/Users/Admin/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:RWDx9MsZekrqrGMqKoL7tWVvjq51BSlUnzknk78RAzU Admin@Admin-PC

Now Go to Path as shown above which is highlighted.              

[Path will be changed from System to System].

Open the File which is of Publisher type and user should be able to see SSH Key which needs to be added in Git. 

[Make sure key is starting with ssh-rsa].

Once SSH key is added, you are good to add your code to created repository in Git.

Note: We can add as many as ssh keys, if we need to give permission for someone who can contribute to our repositories.

Below are the commands to Push Code from Command Prompt:

Step 1:  Open Command Prompt.

Step 2:  Go to Folder/Workspace where your project/files stored.

In my case my project is stored in D: Drive and User should be in Project Folder.


Step 3: git init >> Command to initialise project with repository.

Step 4: git status >> To check status.

Since my project is already associated with created repository, it is showing as Reinitialized existing Git Repository.  If it is not initialized, still you can proceed and you can initialize later on.

Then I am checking status of files >> All files are highlighted in Red color because they are not ready to be committed.

Step 5: git add . Or git add Filename >> Commands to add all files or To add particular File.

Step 6: git status >> To check status. 

Now all files are highlighted in Green color because all files are ready to be Committed.

Step 7: git commit –m “Comment Message”

Step 8: git status

Now my code is ready to be pushed to Repository.

If Project is not initialised with GIT Repository  – Follow below command to initialise project with GIT Repository before pushing code to Repository. [It is a One Time Activity].

If Project is already initialzed you can ignore Step-9.

Step 9: git remote add  origin “Path of Git Repository”

Now Project will be initialised with GIT Repository and we are good to push our code.


Step 10: git push origin master [Master >> Branch Name].

If it asks for credentials >> Enter Valid Username and Password.

Code is Pushed to initialised GIT Repository.


Other git commands:

git clone “repository path“ – To download or clone complete repository from git.


git pull origin master – Once repository is cloned from git to local and we udpate any code for same repository in git. To get same code to be udpated in Local and in Eclipse we can use this command.



This blog is written by Pavan. He is an expert in Selenium Automation and currently working in Infosys as Automation QA Engineer.



Naveen AutomationLabs

How to control Chromedriver using curl

How to control Chromedriver using curl

Here is how to use Chromedriver without libraries like selenium-webdriver. This can be useful for debugging.
The following example visits a web page and reads the a headline’s text contents.

1. download chromedriver.exe on windows/mac, go to the same directory and run this command:

On Mac: ./chromedriver &
On Windows: chromedriver.exe

2. Create a session:
Java Code:
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

Curl Command:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9515/session -d ‘{“desiredCapabilities”:{“browserName”:”chrome”}}’

3. launch a URL:
Java Code:

Curl Command:
curl http://localhost:9515/session/142a7f9bb57b8fda48636c8709df9591/url -d ‘{“url”:”https://www.google.com”}’

4. find an element:
Java Code:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.name(“q”));

Curl Command:
curl http://localhost:9515/session/142a7f9bb57b8fda48636c8709df9591/element -d ‘{“using”:”name”, “value”:”q”}’

5. enter text in element:
Java Code:
element.sendKeys(“Naveen AutomationLabs”);

Curl Command:
curl http://localhost:9515/session/142a7f9bb57b8fda48636c8709df9591/element/0.45843488917986774-1/value -d ‘{“value”:[“Naveen Automation Labs”]}’

6. Quit Browser/close the session:
Java Code:

Curl Command:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:9515/session/142a7f9bb57b8fda48636c8709df9591

Naveen AutomationLabs

Usage of Cucumber Options which we use in TestRunner File

Usage of Cucumber Options which we use in TestRunner File

TestRunner File is used to build a Communication between Feature Files and StepDefinition Files. 

features: We use Cucumber features option to define path of feature file(s). 

glue: We use Cucumber glue option to define path of step definition file(s). 

format: We use Cucumber format option to generate output or test results in different types of formats. 
Eg: HTML Report, JUnit or TestNG Report, Cucumber Report and So. 

monochrome: We use Cucumber monochrome option to print console output in a very readable format. 
monochrome must be set to true in order to achieve it. 

strict: We use Cucumber strict option to check if any step if not defined in step definition file. 
If any step is not defined in step definition file then it will stop an execution of program. 

dryRun: We use Cucumber dryRun option to check whether all the steps from feature files has got methods and implemented or no in Step Definition File. 
Before execution of program dryRun must be set to true and we need to make sure that all steps are implemented in Step Definition File. 
Once we are sure that all steps are implemented then dryRun must be set to False and we should continue with Test Execution.

tags: We use Cucumber tags option when we have more number of scenarios in a single feature file which represents different purpose [Smoke, Sanity, Regression etc] in such cases we can make use tags option.
Eg: tags={ ” @ Smoke ” } >> It will pick only and only those scenarios which are tagged with Smoke in feature files.

This blog is contributed by Pavan KrishnanReddy Working as Testing Executive at Infosys Limited  
Naveen AutomationLabs

How to solve Maven issue – Could not resolve archetype org.apache.maven.archetypes from any of the configured repositories.

How to solve Maven issue – Could not resolve archetype org.apache.maven.archetypes from any of the configured repositories.

  • Problem: – 

Steps to follow:
  1. Right click on project
  2. click on properties
  3. java build path
  4. select source
  5. add, apply then OK

6. Open window preferences
7. open Maven
8. deselect all dialog box

9. Open window : preferences, open Maven Archetype, click on ‘Add Remote catalog’ and add Catalog file: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/archetype-catalog.xml
Description: Maven Catalog.

10. check library, right click on project

click on properties, go to java build path
click libraries
add external jars
add, apply ok. 

Error Resolved!! YEY!

This is Nazia. I have recently completed my post-graduation. Later I joined Naveen Automation Labs which is one of the best online training programs and improved my automation skills a lot. I face some difficulties while configuring Maven, so I tried some of the possible ways to solve them, hope this will help you as well.

-Naveen AutomationLabs

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